Remove Unwanted Hair Anywhere

Save Money and Boost Confidence with Laser Hair Removal

Laser Beamer Skincare offers laser hair removal using advanced Aerolase technology. But we go beyond just removing unwanted hair. And if you’re a woman with unwanted hair, we can also help you explore the underlying causes of your hair growth, promoting long-term solutions and overall well-being.

Remove unwanted hair with Laser Beamer Skincare
Our Approach

Affordable Laser Hair Removal

Ditch the razors and embrace long-lasting results! Laser Beamer Skincare offers laser hair removal using FDA-approved, advanced laser technology that tackles unwanted hair anywhere on your body. Owner and laser technician, Patty Beamer, is a registered nurse and prioritizes your comfort and discretion, ensuring no area is off-limits during your treatment. Unlike expensive boutique spas, Laser Beamer Skincare offers flexible pricing and payment options to make laser hair removal an achievable goal for everyone.

Additionally, for women experiencing unwanted facial hair, Patty understands the various causes of hormonal hair growth and can help you explore potential solutions alongside removing the hair itself.

Get ready for a shave-free, wax-free future – schedule your free consultation today!

How It Works

The Science Behind Laser Hair Removal

How It Works: Imagine blasting unwanted hair with a beam of cool light! That’s essentially how Aerolase laser hair removal works at Laser Beamer Skincare. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Targeted “Laser” Beam: The Aerolase laser emits a precise pulse of light at a specific wavelength (1064nm). This wavelength is attracted to melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color.

2. Heat Up the Follicle: The melanin absorbs the light energy, which heats up the hair follicle. This heat damages the follicle’s ability to produce new hair.

3. No Burn, Just Bye-Bye Hair: Unlike some other lasers, the Aerolase pulse is super quick (650 microseconds), which is faster than the surrounding skin can heat up. This means the laser targets the follicle without burning the surface of your skin.

4. Gradual Reduction: Over a series of treatments, the damaged follicles produce progressively finer and fewer hairs, until eventually, they stop growing altogether.

Aerolase is FDA-approved and considered safe for most skin types, even darker skin tones, thanks to its targeted approach.

What To Expect: Due to variations in hair growth, thickness, and color, you can realistically expect 15% clearance (or removal) with each laser hair removal session. Ideally, within six treatments, patients see roughly 80% hair removal, but more treatments may be required based on your specific hair type. 100% hair removal should not be expected, but clients note a marked reduction and many state they no longer need to shave or only shave once a month.

Two Items to Note:
1) There must be melanin in the hair shaft for the laser to pick up. Therefore, the laser will not reduce/remove blond, gray, and white hair. 2) Several treatments (a minimum of 5) will be needed to reduce hair to a satisfactory level for most clients. It may take several weeks of laser hair removal treatment to obtain 80% reduction.

Laser Hair Removal Pricing

Explore our laser hair removal pricing. Keep in mind that the number of treatments indicated is based on averages. Your specific number of treatments needed may vary. Schedule your free consultation to formulate your laser hair removal plan.
Financing is available through Cherry!


30-Minute Laser Treatment Sessions

Your Treatment Plan Will be Customized to You And May Vary From What is Indicated Here

Underarm Hair Removal (4+ Treatments)
Women’s Facial Hair Removal (5+ Treatments)
Men’s Facial Hair Removal (5+ Treatments)
Women’s Pubic Hair Removal (4+ Treatments)


1-Hour Laser Treatment Sessions

Your Treatment Plan Will be Customized to You And May Vary From What is Indicated Here

Men’s Back Hair Removal (5+ Treatments)
Men’s Chest Hair Removal (4+ Treatments)
Men’s Clavical to Waist Hair Removal (7+ Treatments)
Men’s Pubic Hair Removal (4+ Treatments)
Woman’s Arm Hair Removal (4+ Treatments)
Women’s Leg Hair Removal (10+ Treatments)
Folliculitis Barbae Treatment (4+ Treatments)

Why Choose Laser Beamer Skincare?

Expert Care

All laser treatments are performed by a licensed, registered nurse. Patty is certified as an operator for this specific laser and has extensive education and experience in the medical field beyond laser skincare.
Learn More…

Personalized Approach

We understand that every customer is unique, and we tailor our treatments to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes. Appointments are booked based on your schedule and budget. Your overall health is more important to us than your appearance!
View Some of Our Success Stories…

Powerful, Precise Laser Performance

Our Neo Elite Aerolase Laser is FDA-approved to treat over 36 skin conditions and delivers safe, effective treatment and hair removal on all skin colors and types for all ages with minimal pain or discomfort. Results are typically long-lasting if not permanent. Our laser is also portable, which means we can bring laser treatments to you!
Contact us to learn more!

Laser Treatments

Explore our laser treatment options for everything from removing unwanted hair to calming rosacea flare-ups to removing skin tags and more!

Success Stories

Discover the power of personalized skincare as you explore our success stories gallery packed with before and after photos of real patients!

What’s New

Explore our Blog for more information and resources about skincare, women’s health, specific causes of skin issues and unwanted hair, and more!


Find answers to frequently asked questions about our laser treatment services. If you don’t see an answer to your question, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Say Goodbye to Ingrown Hair, Razors & More

Remove Unwanted Hair & Save Money

Don’t wait any longer! With no downtime, no injections, no prescriptions or drugs, no chemicals, minimal to no pain, and flexible payment options available, what are you waiting for?

Schedule your free consultation with Laser Beamer Skincare to experience the transformative effects of our laser treatments.

The Mission of Laser Beamer Skincare is to combine laser therapy with skin care products to remove hair where you don’t want it and to repair skin for a healthier appearance. Clients of all ages, skin tones, skin conditions, and ailments are encouraged to make an appointment to discuss a plan of care.

The Vision of Laser Beamer Skincare is to formulate a plan with clients to diminish unwanted hair and treat skin issues and concerns with a focus on dermatological conditions.

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